Fox River Flats —
Critical Habitat Area
Visitor Information
Public Use and Access
Each fall, waterfowl and moose are hunted on the flats. A few bear may also be taken each year. Residents of Kachemak Selo and other non-road communities at the head of Kachemak Bay, as well as cattlemen with grazing leases in the Fox River Valley, are the most frequent visitors to the area year-round. Access to the critical habitat area is primitive. A steep switchback trail leads down to the flats from East End Road, out of Homer. Some hardy individuals drive vehicles from Homer along Kachemak Bay's northern shore to reach the flats.
The Fox River Flats trail extends from the beach up the valley along the toe of the bluff. Off-road use of motorized vehicles in the critical habitat area is allowed only on the Fox River Flats trail in vehicles less than 1,000 pounds. Currently, no public use facilities exist in the area.