Youth Programs
The Hunter Information & Training Program is heavily involved with partner conservation groups promoting youth programs around the state.
National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP)
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is a nationwide youth archery program developed in Kentucky in 2002. The program's focus is to provide international-style target archery in a physical education environment to 4th–12th graders. Archery is a sport that nearly everyone can be successful at regardless of age, gender, size, or physical abilities. Statistics show that school archery programs engage more students in the educational process, improve classroom performance, and reduce dropout rates. Nationwide millions of students have safely participated in NASP, and more than 200 schools in Alaska participate in the NASP Program with more teachers being trained as Basic Archery Instructors (BAI) every year. A virtual tournament is offered each year for schools participating in NASP in Alaska. Through this, participants have the opportunity to qualify for the National Tournament held in Kentucky each year. Grants for equipment are often available and ADF&G schedules teacher training workshops as needed. Training workshops generally last eight hours and can be scheduled on weekends or weekdays.
Rabbit Creek Youth Shotgun League
Rabbit Creek Youth Shotgun League is built on the foundation of positive reinforcement and individual improvement. In the youth league there is absolutely no pressure to "win." We will assist each league member in setting realistic personal goals for improvement over the course of the league activities. We always need parents to get involved with coaching and provide training for parents who are interested in coaching their child's team. The clay target sports provide a lifetime of shooting opportunities. Success in the clay target sports emphasizes teamwork, endurance, fine motor skills, psychological focus and hand-eye coordination. Several clay target sports, including trap and skeet are Olympic events!
Outdoor Youth Days
Outdoor Youth Days is a day camp (Mon-Wed) held at Rabbit Creek Shooting Park in Anchorage. It features firearms safety, archery, rifle, shotgunning, wildlife ID, fishing, orienteering, and outdoor survival among other skills. The camp is designed to foster an awareness, respect, and enjoyment of Alaska's natural resources.